
Won'derland Tea Party

About the Authors

Meet Won'derland

Won'derland's Rules for a Fashionable Life

Decorate yourself before leaving the house:

1. Wash your face using an exfoliation to clear any oils that you have collected during the night. It helps keep your skin healthy and refreshes your face before you start the day.

2. Never leave the house without spraying a nice scented perfume

3. Have at least one accessory on your body. It doesn't have to be big and heavy. It can be dainty and small, which I prefer.

4. Always brush your hair. During the day, the strains of the hair can get tangled a lot, and you could accidently tear a lot of hair out in order to untangle it. It is better to slowly and gently brush your hair to free the hairball of mess.

5. Grab a book to read, so you won't get bored during the day

6. Take your headphones on your way out to let people know that you have ventured into the land of reading, and won't be back until the end of the book.

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