
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Jach Cries Over Spilt Gasoline

Don't Cry Over Spilt Gasoline

Don't Cry Over Spilt Gasoline by jachanothergirl featuring an urban decay eye shadow

I actually enjoy the smell of gasoline, which is startling--I am sure that some of you are now assuming that I was the elementary student that was sniffing and possibly eating paste. Well, for the record, I have never consumed paste--which is quite revolting and smells like slightly damp socks. 

Gasoline is extremely beautiful over new asphalt. Especially, the contrast between the asphalt's deep black hue and gasoline's holographic nature. 

For those who lived through the days of Woodstock, gasoline is, what I imagine, a liquid representation of hallucinogens. 

Yes, holographic accents are quite prevalent in forms such as jewelry and the occasional clutch. If we were honest though, we would acknowledge that the outfit (as seen above) is a rare occurrence unless you happen to be thrashing to electronic dance music (Aoki, Diplo, Adventure Club, Flume, Banks, or The Chainsmokers). Nowadays, it takes a deep immense amount of courage to pound the pavements in any solid holographic print. 

“ANYTHING will burn with enough gasoline and dynamite.” --Robert Heinlein

“The inside of the old Camaro smelled like asphalt and desire, gasoline and dreams.” --Maggie Stiefvater

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