
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Museum Piece: Jach is a Late Bloomer (in Paris)

A Late Bloomer in Paris

A Late Bloomer in Paris by jachanothergirl featuring charbonnel et walker truffles

Degas. Degas. Degas.

To the point, Degas is solely responsible for my irrational fervor for ballet-inspired pieces, especially tutus and ruffles.

Saturday mornings and afternoons should consist of ruffles, parisian scarves, and the chicest white ankle boots. There should be pink Monet champagne in elegant glass flutes, and perhaps a violin concerto outside a nice cafe. Instead, I am lounging around in a black t-shirt dress in bed, snacking on potato chips, scrambled egg sandwiches, and an assorted blend cereal.

In terms of maturity and sophistication, I am the quintessential late bloomer.

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